59.1.2: * Fixed a minor bug allowing RedLogic buttons to be placed on other RedLogic buttons. 59.1.1: * Fixed covers/panels/etc not counting as solid sides. * Fixed not being able to un-hollow-ify anything thicker than a cover. 59.1.0: * Added Railcraft's shunting wire, ComputerCraft's network cables, and all types of Thermal Dynamics' ducts to the default config. * Removed old Applied Energistics 1 classes from the default config. * Fixed NEI integration (to show or hide microblocks). * Significant internal changes. 59.0.5: * Small optimization to reduce chunk updates. Most likely doesn't change much, but allows the RedLogic option no-wire-chunk-updates to work properly. 59.0.4: * Hopefully fixed microblock IDs changing when mods are added or removed. This might break non-vanilla microblocks on existing worlds if you've added or removed mods since starting the world. Sorry! 59.0.3: * Fixed a derp causing crashes when you break microblock-coverable things. 59.0.2: * Fixed crashing with AE2 when placing any AE2 cable. * Requires Immibis Core 59.0.3. 59.0.1: * Fixed recipe priority again. 59.0.0: * Updated to 1.7.10. 58.1.5: * Fixed the priority of recipes. 58.1.4: * Probably fixed "ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient" on servers. 58.1.3: * Fixed everyone getting disconnected in SMP. 58.1.2: * Fixed compatibility problems with Buildcraft (and probably other mods too) 58.1.1: * Fixed mod not loading. 58.1.0: * Official update to 1.7.2. 57.6.4: * Covers/panels/slabs can be placed at the end of posts (i.e. you can now make a table in one block) 57.6.3: * Added a sanity check for microblocks with the wrong tile entity. A warning message will be printed to the console if one is detected. 57.6.3P: * Possible fix for ClassCircularityError 57.6.2: * Removed torches, chests, ender chests, ladders, flowerpots, signs and skulls from the default config settings, because they caused too many problems with other mods. 57.6.1: * Probably fixed crash on startup. 57.6.0: * Added support for blocks that don't normally use tile entities, like torches. * Added by default: torches, chests (and trapped chests), ender chests, ladders, flowerpots, signs, skulls * Added compatibility with MCPC. Not tested. Added a config option to disable it in case it doesn't work. * Did not make glowstone microblocks glow, because that would let you get 32 times as much light from the same amount of glowstone. * Did not add full-grass or rotatable grass microblocks because this mod should not add new block types. These would be appropriate for a new mod though. * Known bug: place a microblock on a torch, then push it with a piston. Both the microblock and the torch will be destroyed! 57.5.0: * Microblocks prevent Buildcraft pipe connections. This can be disabled in the config file. 57.4.1: * Now plays a sound when placing microblocks. 57.4.0: * If a block throws an error during auto-detection it will be printed, but will not crash or break auto-detection (that block will be ignored instead). * Added basic support for something asiekierka is working on. Technical details in /mods/immibis/microblocks/changelog.txt. Technical details: TE classes that are not using the full Immibis's Microblocks API, but want a basic level of extra functionality, can define these optional methods: boolean ImmibisMicroblocks_isSideOpen(int side) {return true;} void ImmibisMicroblocks_onMicroblocksChanged() {/* stuff goes here */} Access modifier is irrelevant, but they must not be static. The transformer will fill in ImmibisMicroblocks_isSideOpen so that it returns false if a microblock is blocking connections on that side of this block. It will also make sure ImmibisMicroblocks_onMicroblocksChanged is called whenever microblocks are added or removed. If a class defines these methods, but is not a tile entity class listed in the config file, it will not be affected. Also, mod classes can define a field called ImmibisMicroblocks_TransformableTileEntityMarker or ImmibisMicroblocks_TransformableBlockMarker to be recognized as if they were listed in the config file. The access modifiers, type, and value of the field do not matter - only the name. 57.3.3: * Fixed "java.lang.RuntimeException: Error at instruction 4: Insufficient maximum stack size. func_71921_a(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;IIILnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)V" * Fixed particles when punching microblocks placed on blocks set in the config file. 57.3.2: * Probably fixed NullPointerException when auto-detecting with FMP installed. 57.3.1: * Probably fixed "MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on this block" happening on most blocks. 57.3.0: * Fixed compatibility with TE3. 57.2.3: * Fixed crash on startup on servers (thanks asie for pointing this out) 57.2.2: * Removed debug spam. 57.2.1: * Fixed particles when microblocks are broken. * Fixed grass block side textures being squashed vertically in some positions. * Removed particles when microblocks are sprinted on, because there doesn't seem to be a way to fix them. * Fixed rendering of grass hollow covers/panels/slabs. * Fixed transparency of part previews. * Fixed "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderBlocks at mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MSTHooks.overrideRenderType(MSTHooks.java:20)" on servers. 57.2.0: * Sides that line up with the block grid should have seamless smooth lighting. Sides that don't (e.g. the "inside" of covers) might not. * Added grass, oak leaf, birch leaf, spruce leaf and jungle leaf microblocks. 57.1.1: * Should fix a potential crash on servers related to Bibliocraft. (http://pastebin.com/ACSn0k9p) 57.1.0: * Better client-side prediction (for SMP). * Contains incompatible API changes - requires update to Immibis Core. 57.0.1: * Another attempt at fixing resource loading. 57.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4. * Still haven't got a reply from cpw, so didn't fix textures and names. 56.0.5: * Probably fixed problems with updated Forge. 56.0.4: * Re-added NEI plugin. * Fixed crash with ACT2 when BC is not installed? * Fixed crash with buffer when BC is not installed in SMP? * Didn't fix buffer not working with pipes, yet. 56.0.3: * Added a special case for placing strips that overlap covers, so you can make tables in one block. 56.0.2: * Fixed config not generating properly causing microblocks to not work on anything. If you have this problem go to immibis-microblocks.cfg and delete all the blockClass and tileEntityClass lines, or remove the -. 56.0.1: * Fixed crash on startup with Immibis Core 56.0.2. 56.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2. * Now fully translatable. * Removed NEI integration because NEI isn't updated yet. 55.0.8: * Fixed "Too late to request IDs, use pre-init" 55.0.7: * Fixed microblock-supporting blocks such as RedLogic wire not being allowed to move in MFFS frames. * Fixed wire connecting through hollow covers. 55.0.6: * Updated RedNet class names. * Changed the way class names are in the config so you won't have to keep updating your config. * For other modders: - If a class contains a field called ImmibissMicroblocks_TransformableBlockMarker it will act as if it was specified in the config as a block class. - Use ImmibissMicroblocks_TransformableTileEntityMarker for tile entity classes. 55.0.5: * Maybe fixed CC cable crash. * Fixed microblocks not rendering in your hand in first person. 55.0.4: * Fixed not being able to combine parts based on blocks with IDs over 2048. 55.0.3: * Added an API feature required to fix a bug in RedLogic. 55.0.2: * Microblocks no longer tick. This is a performance increase, but possibly too small to notice. * Fixed a bug related to block updates that affects RedLogic. 55.0.1: * Added stone slab microblocks, with silly names. * Re-added conduits and liquiducts since King_Lemming undid the thing he did before. * Probably fixed microblocks sometimes not loading in multiplayer. 55.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2. * Took TE conduits and liquiducts off the list until I find a way around the problem. This will delete any covers you have on those blocks, sorry! When updating delete thermalexpansion.block.conduit.BlockConduit thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitEnergy thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitLiquid from immibis-microblocks.cfg or you will crash when moving the mouse over a conduit or liquiduct. (This also applies to 1.5.1 users) 54.0.9: * Nonexistent cuttableBlocks will be ignored and log a warning. 54.0.8: * Added parts from the following vanilla blocks: Cracked/mossy/chiseled stone brick Block of redstone Nether quartz ore Normal/chiseled/pillar quartz block Dropper * Auto-detect won't crash if there are two blocks with the same ID and metadata and different NBT. 54.0.7: * Updated class names in default config, thanks to DoctorOr. * Added GalactiCraft oxygen pipes to default config, thanks to DoctorOr again. Untested. * Fixed a bug causing crashes when used on ComputerCraft cables. 54.0.6: * Eliminated or greatly reduced flickering when two different-textured covers overlap. 54.0.5: * Fixed autodetect not working and not resetting. * Removed debug messages. 54.0.4: * Fixed a warning when loading textures (it was harmless but still printed a warning). * Added some debug messages when saving and loading the config file. 54.0.3: * Fixed breaking a microblock not causing a block update (allowing things like floating torches). * Fixed the incompatibility with Buildcraft. 54.0.2: * Maybe fixed the crash with Buildcraft installed. 54.0.1: * Fixed upside-down textures on sides. * Fixed names. * Textures on all sides are displayed the same way as in normal blocks - none are flipped horizontally. * Fixed some lighting differences between microblocks and normal blocks. Still no smooth lighting. 54.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.5.1. 53.0.0: * Fixed wrong name in mod list. * Updated to Minecraft 1.5. * New bug: when breaking a microblock, particles have "missing texture" texture. 52.1.3: * Added AE colourless cable to default tile entity list. Class is appeng.me.tile.TileColorlessCable 52.1.2: * Refactored microblock API again - required update. * Fixed a bug with config generation the first time you open Minecraft. * Fixed mod page crash with NEI? 52.1.1: * Added config option to hide microblocks from NEI, because I'm told ChickenBones still hasn't fixed the lag. * Might fix not being able to mark Forestry planks as cuttable. 52.1.0: * Fixed bottom and sides of microblocks not being darker than the top. * Fixed transformed blocks being black in inventories. * Config format changed and config file renamed to immibis-microblocks.cfg. Existing configs will be automatically converted. * Changed the way autoDetectCuttableBlocks works. * Added manual cuttableBlock list in config. * Added support for mods that mix coverable and non-coverable tile entities in the same block ID (eg Applied Energistics) * Added the following Applied Energistics blocks to the default list: ME Cable, ME Export Bus, ME Import Bus, ME Level Emitter, ME Storage Bus, ME Dark Cable. With the Export Bus, Import Bus and Storage Bus you can place covers on the same side the bus is on, causing flickering. So don't do that if it annoys you. * You can no longer craft a microblock by itself to get the same one back. 52.0.9: * Fixed flickering on overlapping microblocks with the same texture (yay!) They still flicker if the overlapping microblocks have different textures. * Fixed some stacking issues. 52.0.8: * Included microblock API in this jar file, as well as immibis core (as I can't remove it from there until 1.5). Maybe this fixes the IC2 load order problem. 52.0.7: * Re-added IC2 cables to the default list of blocks to affect. 52.0.6: * Probably fixed NPE when loading a world or connecting to a server. * New handsaw sprite from Kaza, slightly modified (just the blade). Thanks Kaza! 52.0.5: * Fixed dupe bug with Buildcraft pipes. * Fixed selection boxes not rendering. * Fixed placement ghosts not rendering. 52.0.3: * Middle-clicking a microblock placed on a cable/conduit/liquiduct/pipe in creative will select the microblock, instead of the thing it's on. * You can place torches, etc, attached to microblocks on cables/conduits/liquiducts/pipes. 52.0.0: * Separated microblocks into a separate coremod like they should have been from the start. You don't need to update configs. You do need to download Immibis's Microblocks if you had microblocks enabled, or they will disappear from the world. The API is still in Immibis Core.