CPU Documentation http://www.wiremod.com/forum/cpu-tutorials-programs/151-documentation.html
Last Memory Adress 65535


Force cache refresh 2020
Cached blocks size (up to 28, 0 if disabled) 2021
Screen ratio (read only) 2022
Hardware scale 2023
Rotation (0 - 0°, 1 - 90°, 2 - 180°, 3 - 270°) 2024
Brightness White 2025
Brightness B 2026
Brightness G 2027
Brightness R 2028
Vertical scale (1) 2029
Horizontal scale (1) 2030
Low shift column 2031
High shift column 2032
Low shift row 2033
High shift row 2034
Charset, always 0 2035
Brightness (additive) 2036
Shift cells (number of cells, >0 right, <0 left) 2037
Shift rows (number of rows, >0 shift up, <0 shift down) 2038
Hardware Clear Row (Writing clears row) 2039
Hardware Clear Column (Writing clears column) 2040
Hardware Clear Screen 2041
Hardware Background Color (000) 2042
Cursor Blink Rate (0.50) 2043
Cursor Size (0.25) 2044
Cursor Address 2045
Cursor Enabled 2046
Clk 2047


RGB data 0 - 786431
Color mode
1: R G B;
2: R*65536 + G*256 + B;
Clear row 1048570
Clear column 1048571
Height 1048572
Width 1048573
Hardware Clear Screen 1048574
CLK 1048575

CD Ray

Infothread by Xandaros and Fox http://www.wiremod.com/forum/wiremod-tutorials/9305-support-cds-cd-rays.html
[W] Write ray on 0
[W] Read ray on 1
[R] Current sector (global) 2
[R] Current sector (on track) 3
[R] Current track 4
[R] Current stack 5
[R] Current address (global) 6
[R] Current address (in current stack) 7
[W] Buffer ready (read or write - pick the ray) 8
[W] Continious mode 9
[W] Wait for address mode 10
[W] Target address (in current stack) 11
[W] Wait for track&sector mode 12
[W] Target sector 13
[W] Target track 14
[R] Raw disk spin velocity 21
[R] Raw disk spin angle 22
[R] Raw distance from disk center 23
[R] Raw stack index 24
[R] Disk precision (Inches Per Block) 25
[R] Disk sectors (total) 26
[R] Disk tracks (total) 27
[R] First track number 28
[R] Bytes per block 29
[R] Disk size (per stack) 30
[R] Disk volume (bytes total) 31
Buffer 512 - 1023