CPU Documentation | http://www.wiremod.com/forum/cpu-tutorials-programs/151-documentation.html |
Last Memory Adress | 65535 |
Force cache refresh | 2020 |
Cached blocks size (up to 28, 0 if disabled) | 2021 |
Screen ratio (read only) | 2022 |
Hardware scale | 2023 |
Rotation (0 - 0°, 1 - 90°, 2 - 180°, 3 - 270°) | 2024 |
Brightness White | 2025 |
Brightness B | 2026 |
Brightness G | 2027 |
Brightness R | 2028 |
Vertical scale (1) | 2029 |
Horizontal scale (1) | 2030 |
Low shift column | 2031 |
High shift column | 2032 |
Low shift row | 2033 |
High shift row | 2034 |
Charset, always 0 | 2035 |
Brightness (additive) | 2036 |
Shift cells (number of cells, >0 right, <0 left) | 2037 |
Shift rows (number of rows, >0 shift up, <0 shift down) | 2038 |
Hardware Clear Row (Writing clears row) | 2039 |
Hardware Clear Column (Writing clears column) | 2040 |
Hardware Clear Screen | 2041 |
Hardware Background Color (000) | 2042 |
Cursor Blink Rate (0.50) | 2043 |
Cursor Size (0.25) | 2044 |
Cursor Address | 2045 |
Cursor Enabled | 2046 |
Clk | 2047 |
RGB data | 0 - 786431 |
Color mode
0: RGBXXX; 1: R G B; 2: R*65536 + G*256 + B; 3: RRRGGGBBB |
1048569 |
Clear row | 1048570 |
Clear column | 1048571 |
Height | 1048572 |
Width | 1048573 |
Hardware Clear Screen | 1048574 |
CLK | 1048575 |
Infothread by Xandaros and Fox | http://www.wiremod.com/forum/wiremod-tutorials/9305-support-cds-cd-rays.html |
[W] Write ray on | 0 |
[W] Read ray on | 1 |
[R] Current sector (global) | 2 |
[R] Current sector (on track) | 3 |
[R] Current track | 4 |
[R] Current stack | 5 |
[R] Current address (global) | 6 |
[R] Current address (in current stack) | 7 |
[W] Buffer ready (read or write - pick the ray) | 8 |
[W] Continious mode | 9 |
[W] Wait for address mode | 10 |
[W] Target address (in current stack) | 11 |
[W] Wait for track§or mode | 12 |
[W] Target sector | 13 |
[W] Target track | 14 |
[R] Raw disk spin velocity | 21 |
[R] Raw disk spin angle | 22 |
[R] Raw distance from disk center | 23 |
[R] Raw stack index | 24 |
[R] Disk precision (Inches Per Block) | 25 |
[R] Disk sectors (total) | 26 |
[R] Disk tracks (total) | 27 |
[R] First track number | 28 |
[R] Bytes per block | 29 |
[R] Disk size (per stack) | 30 |
[R] Disk volume (bytes total) | 31 |
Buffer | 512 - 1023 |
GPU Documentation | http://www.wiremod.com/forum/cpu-tutorials-programs/7645-zgpu-documentation.html |
CLK | 65535 |
RESET | 65534 |
Vertex mode (render vertex instead of RT) | 65532 |
HALT | 65531 |
RAM_RESET | 65530 |
Horizontal image scale | 65525 |
Vertical image scale | 65524 |
Hardware scale | 65523 |
Rotation (0 - 0°, 1 - 90°, 2 - 180°, 3 - 270°) | 65522 |
Sprite size 32 | 65521 |
Image width (800) | 65515 |
Image height (600) | 65514 |
Real screen ratio | 65513 |
Parameter list address (for dwritefmt) | 65512 |
Cursor X (0..1) | 65505 |
Cursor Y (0 - 1) | 65504 |
Cursor visible | 65503 |
Brightness W | 65495 |
Brightness R | 65494 |
Brightness G | 65493 |
Brightness B | 65492 |
Contrast W | 65491 |
Contrast R | 65490 |
Contrast G | 65489 |
Contrast B | 65488 |
Circle quality (3 - 128) | 65485 |
Offset Point X | 65484 |
Offset Point Y | 65483 |
Rotation (rad) | 65482 |
Scale | 65481 |
Center point X | 65480 |
Center point Y | 65479 |
Circle start (rad) | 65478 |
Circle end (rad) | 65477 |
Line width (1) | 65476 |
Scale X | 65475 |
Scale Y | 65474 |
Font align | 65473 |
ZOffset | 65472 |
Key Numbering | 0 |
Keyboard Buffer | 1 - 31 |
ASCII Mapped Array | 32 - 255 |
Trace | 0 |
Result | 1 |
Range | 2 |
Default to Zero | 3 |
Skew X (-1 ... 1) | 4 |
Skey Y (-1 ... 1) | 5 |
Trace Water | 6 |
Clk | 0 |
If you press 'use' on a point, its number will be put here | 1 |
Pointsize | 2 |
Flags (bit 0 = show beam, bit 1 = use GPS coords, bit 2 = individual color for each point) | 3 |
Number of points | 4 |
All Points in one color | 5 = point 1 X; 6 = point 1 Y; 7 = point 1 Z; 8 = point 2 X; ... etc |
Individual colors mode | 5 = point 1 X; 6 = point 1 Y; 7 = point 1 Z; 8 = point 1 Red; 9 = point 1 Green; 10 = point 1 Blue; 11 = point 1 Alpha; 12 = point 2 X; |