59.1.4: * Fixed crash when double-clicking in an inventory that uses holo-slots. 59.1.2: * Fixed block IDs being different in Turkish locales. This only affects my mods that have a capital I in the name - that is, only Infinitubes. This will delete Infinitubes blocks and items from existing worlds created in Turkish locales - sorry!!! 59.1.1: * Fixed invisible microblocks (and RedLogic wires etc) 59.1.0: * Microblock API update. I don't think anyone else was using this API, so this should be fine. RedLogic and InfiniTubes need updating if you have them. 59.0.8: * Fixed dyeing recipes in RedLogic. 59.0.7: * Added PartBreakEvent for area protection plugins - requested by asiekierka. 59.0.6: * Required for RedLogic 59.1.8. 59.0.5: * Fixed incompatibility with BungeeCord causing clients to crash after switching servers. 59.0.4: * Removed support for "preferredEnergySystem=minecraftJoules", as BuildCraft is now using RF. 59.0.3: * This version is required for Immibis's Microblocks 59.0.2. 59.0.2: * Fixed a rendering bug affecting Immibis's Peripherals RFID writers and LAN cables. * Fixed a networking bug affecting Immibis's Peripherals speakers. 59.0.0: * Updated to 1.7.10. 58.1.4: * More internal networking changes. Probably fixes "Failed to get sender of S2C packet". 58.1.3: * Fixed another minor bug causing problems with microblocks. 58.1.2: * Fixed a networking bug too technical to explain here. Highly recommended or you might get weird behaviour on clients (e.g. microblocks will sometimes be invisible) 58.1.1: * Fixed mod not loading. 58.1.0: * Official update to 1.7.2. 58.0.3: * Fix Immibis's Peripherals crash (by asiekierka) 58.0.2: * Fix Dimensional Anchors crash (by asiekierka) 58.0.1: * Fix server-side crash bug (by asiekierka) 58.0.0: * 1.7.2 port by asiekierka 57.2.0: * Added experimental system allowing mods (currently only Advanced Repulsion Systems) to use a selectable power system based on a config option. 57.1.94: * For Immibis's Microblocks: added a sanity check for microblocks with the wrong tile entity. A warning message will be printed to the console if one is detected. 57.1.93: * Required for latest Immibis's Microblocks. 57.1.92: * Added a check for out-of-range inventory slots. 57.1.91: * Changed version number as a workaround for broken sorting. 57.1.10: * Required for TinyCarts alpha4. * Implemented threaded packet encoding/decoding. 57.1.9: * Required for TinyCarts alpha2. 57.1.8: * Probably improved efficiency. 57.1.7: * Fixed rendering code that affected Immibis's Peripherals. * Removed some debugging code. 57.1.6: * Probably fixed "MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on this block" happening on most blocks. 57.1.5: * Probably required for Microblocks 57.3.0. 57.1.4: * Removed debug spam. 57.1.3: * Might be required for Immibis's Microblocks 57.2.1. 57.1.2: * Might be required for Immibis's Microblocks 57.2.0. 57.1.1: * Fixed a bug causing an unreleased version of Advanced Machines to crash. * Added config option to disable custom error screen. 57.1.0: * Fixed /tps rounding. * Added a config option to rename the /tps command, in case it conflicts with another mod. * Added lowest TPS display to /tps command. * Added an advanced config option to disable specific cross-mod compatibility (in case of breaking API changes in the future). * Better client-side prediction for microblocks (in SMP). * Contains incompatible API changes - requires update to Immibis's Microblocks (if you have it installed). 57.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4. * Fixed /tps formatting. 56.0.5: * Required for Tubestuff 56.0.3. 56.0.4: * Required for RedLogic 56.1.0. * Disabled some ID sanity checks if IdFix is installed (same as if IDResolver is installed). 56.0.3: * Fixed error screens not displaying any text. 56.0.2: * Fixed duplicate entry in mod list. * Fixed crash on startup on servers. 56.0.1: * Fixed display of ID conflicts when installed as coremod. 56.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2. 55.1.7: * Fixed NPE in Config. 55.1.6: * Fixed crashing while trying to display an ID error on servers. * Fixed IDs sometimes not being added to the config when there are conflicts. * Immibis Core can now be installed as a coremod. You don't get any extra features, but it will work. * Added /tps command. Can be disabled in the config if it conflicts with another mod. 55.1.5: * Fixed some textures not updating if you change your texture pack while in-game? * Fixed a bug causing Immibis Core to sometimes show up in certain crash reports. * Removed some debug messages at startup. * Improved ID-related error messages. 55.1.4: * Fixed a bug related to block updates that affects RedLogic. 55.1.3: * Fixes non-fatal error with Dimensional Anchors in SSP. 55.1.2: * Might fix IDs not being in the config when there are conflicts. 55.1.1: * Fixed dupe bug. 55.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2. 54.0.2: * Bugfix required for InfiniTubes to work with Buildcraft power. 54.0.1: * Fixed crash when breaking a Dimensional Anchor. 54.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.5.1. 53.0.0: * Updated to Minecraft 1.5. 52.4.7: * Fixed IDs not being saved in the config if there's a conflict. 52.4.6: * Possibly required update for Immibis's Microblocks 52.1.2. 52.4.5: * Fixed? transformed blocks being black in inventories 52.4.4: * Fixed a microblock-related NPE. 52.4.3: * Changed load order again, should fix FML crashes on startup. 52.4.2: * Added detection of item ID conflicts. * Added a thing telling FML to load this before all other mods if possible - fixes the IC2/microblocks load order problem. 52.4.1: * Fixed a broken microblock-related method causing unpredictable server freezes, sorry Kane! 52.4.0: * Separated microblocks into a separate coremod like they should have been from the start. You don't need to update configs. You do need to download Immibis's Microblocks if you had microblocks enabled, or they will disappear from the world. The API is still in Immibis Core. * Immibis Core is back to not being a coremod. Sorry for any confusion. 52.3.7: * Microblocks default to off again. * Made microblocks always render with non-smooth lighting. This reduces graphical glitches but they are not fixed yet. * NEI integration uses NBT instead of damage values like it should. Microblocks spawned from NEI don't always stack correctly. * Added microblocks to NEI subset "Blocks.Microblocks" - so you can hide them from NEI. * Added config option for auto-detection of valid blocks to make microblocks out of. Might not work well in SMP. Not all blocks are textured or named correctly. This lags NEI due to the sheer number of items. 52.3.6: * Fixed the fix in 52.3.3 (where it crashes on startup when not installed as a coremod). 52.3.5: * Fixed IC2 cables discoing when you punch them. 52.3.4: * Fixed possible microblock-related client crash. 52.3.3: * Fixed crash when not installed as a coremod. 52.3.2: * Fixed a wrong obfuscated name. 52.3.1: * Fixed a copy-paste derp 52.3.0: * Immibis Core can now be installed as a coremod, instead of a normal mod. * Added microblock transformer, only available when installed as a coremod. Cover ALL the things! * Microblock switch moved to immibis-coremod.cfg (even when not a coremod) and defaults to true. * Fixed previous fix. 52.2.6: * Fixed crash when someone else breaks a cover within your view distance. 52.2.5: * Probably fixed dark GUIs on some systems in Liquid XP (and maybe InfiniTubes) 52.2.4: * Fixed previous update. 52.2.3: * Fixed block and item IDs occasionally not being added to the config. 52.2.2: * Disabled a sanity check when IDResolver is installed. * IMPORTANT: Changed the way InfiniTubes IDs are assigned for consistency. The defaults have changed, and the option name in the config has changed (added .id to the end). Config should auto-convert but back it up just in case. This only affects InfiniTubes. 52.2.1: * Added part IDs to detailed item tooltips (F3+H) 52.2.0: * Refactored microblock API. * Improved handling of invalid microblock IDs. * Allowed microblock IDs over 32767 by storing them in NBT. Old ones will not stack with new ones unless you place and break them. 52.1.0: * Included some microblock fixes, and an experimental mod framework used by InfiniTubes. 52.0.5: * Recompiled with Java 6. 52.0.4: * Re-added missing registration of microblock tile entity. Existing placed microblocks will disappear. Sorry :( 52.0.3: * Fixed packaging again. 52.0.2: * Fixed mcmod.info 52.0.1: * Fixed packaging. 52.0.0: * Updated to 1.4.6. * For FML's ID mismatch detection, all blocks registered by my mods will count as being registered by Immibis Core, instead of sometimes Immibis Core and sometimes the actual mod. This may result in ID mismatch warnings the first time you load an old world, which can be safely ignored. * API rearrangements. * Blocks and items now use consistent default IDs based on the hashcode of their name. Before this, all blocks had the same default ID, which was pretty pointless as all but the first would get autoassigned. This might need to be changed again if it causes too many conflicts. 51.0.6: * Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by breaking the same part twice (caused by lag). * Internal changes to microblock API. * Added chiseled sandstone, smooth sandstone and redstone lamp microblocks. 51.0.5: * Fixed microblocks not being placeable. * "Microblock container" blocks with no microblocks in them will now destroy themselves. 51.0.4: * Started changelog. * Now splits packets bigger than 32kiB and reassembles them on the other end. (fixes Immibis's Peripherals speakers in SMP) * Fixed an ID allocation typo which made it easier for conflicts to happen when adding new mods.